About ABCgameservers.com


Ian Poole (Yip)
Owner – [email protected]
From many years of trying to find a reliable game server company, I am sure, like most, found this to be a struggle. It didnt take much to persuade me to go at it alone and start up my own business providing good quality servers for gamers to play on, and provide the level of support people desire.
I have been involved with gaming since I was very young, and considering my age now, that is a LONG time! Despite that, I am fully aware of what is needed and will strive to ensure that everyone gets the service they expect from a game server company.
Areas covered…
- Support Assistance
- Server Management
- General Enquires
- Account Management
- Event Management

Nathan (Napalm)
ABC Manager – [email protected]
Nathan was one of the earliest members of staff and has recently come back to us after a move back to the UK.
Nathan is responsible for the day to day running of ABC Game Servers.
Areas covered…
- Account Management
- Website Development
- Support Assistance
- Affiliate Services

Claus (Satis)
Lead Engineer – [email protected]
Coming from the world of game modification Satis is a wealth of knowledge!
While dealing with the daily grind Satis can always be found tinkering with mods and updating our “1-click-install” mod packages.
Areas covered…
- Team Management
- Support Assistance
- Server Management
- Database Management
- Account Management
- Mod Management

Ben Stovell (Kami)
Assistant Lead Engineer – [email protected]
Ben has been part of the family for quite a while now. Starting from the bottom Ben has proven himself and become the Assistant Lead Engineer.
Areas covered…
- Server Management
- Database Management
- Website Development
- Support Assistance

Sophie Attewell (HoneyBee)
Social Media Manager – [email protected]
Sophie has been part of ABC Game Servers for quite a while. It was only a matter of time before she took on a full role within the company.
Sophie now leads our Social Media Team and the first point of call when you reach out to us on our Facebook, Twitter and Forums.
Areas covered…
- Social Media
- Forum Management
- Support Assistance
- Account Management

David Smith (Dave)
Server Engineer (Trainee) – [email protected]
Joining the team at the end of 2016, Dave has fitted right in.
Working closely with Jim, Dave keeps the company running on a day-to-day basis!
Areas covered…
- Support Assistance
- Account Management
- Website Development
- Forum Management

Contact Methods
If you want to contact us with any questions simply email [email protected]
Address: 307 Bayfront Expy, PT, California.